>Cygwin Permissions Under Vista

>Cygwin Permissions Under Vista

>Was somewhat surprised to discover that although my account is an administrative account, I can’t edit system files from within cygwin by default. To change this right click on your Cygwin shortcut, go to the Shortcut tab, click on Advanced and select “Run as administrator”. This is not just limited to Cygwin apps by the way – you’ll get the same glorious issue if you try and edit hosts using Notepad.

5 thoughts on “>Cygwin Permissions Under Vista

  1. >Any way to avoid having to click “Run as Administrator” every freaking time you launch Cygwin? Vista sucks!

  2. >right click on the cygwin shortcut, select properties, click on the 'compatability' tab, and check the 'run as administrator' box.

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