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>The Horror of Coding

>The Horror of Coding

>Preach it brother. These sorts of things that could broadly be classified as unexpected work are coming up with some regularity these days and I was complaining about it, as you do, while me and several folks from the crew I’m on were heading out to lunch at an entirely mediocre deli. The root of the complaint was, “Why?”. “Why are we seeing an increasing rate of unexpected work?”. Dark matter. Call it what you will, it sucks. It sucks…

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>Ubuntu / Vista / VMware / Xming

>Ubuntu / Vista / VMware / Xming

>OK, I’ve been using this setup for over a week. I’m a developer /sys admin who needs a Linux environment and who is stuck with just a Vista laptop. So here’s my solution. Certainly not a perfect solution but a lot better than some I’ve used in the past. The idea is that we run Ubuntu (or any Linux disto) within a VMware machine (I assume the free VMware player would work for this, but i’m using VMware workstation). We…

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>Cyrus IMAP on Hardy Heron #2

>Cyrus IMAP on Hardy Heron #2

>See the previous post to this for the first steps. Note, I posted the following on the Ubuntu forums here and there may end up being feedback there to read. Please note I am just trying to get a simple cyrus install working so I can test some python code that wants a cyrus server. This is probably insecure, toxic, illegal in most countries and prone to spontaneous combustion. I just want to create some mailboxes (I’m not even sending…

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>Cyrus IMAP on Hardy Heron

>Cyrus IMAP on Hardy Heron

>So you’ve just installed cyrus imap on Hardy Heron and you can’t seem to connect. You try a test telnet session and get icottee@ijcdev:~$ telnet localhost 143 Trying… Connected to localhost. Escape character is ‘^]’. * BYE Fatal error: can’t write proc file Connection closed by foreign host. Take a look in /var/log/mail.err and you’ll see stuff like May 19 22:13:15 ijcdev cyrus/imap[8316]: DBERROR: dbenv->open ‘/var/lib/cyrus/db’ failed: Permission denied May 19 22:13:15 ijcdev cyrus/imap[8316]: DBERROR: init() on berkeley May…

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>Magical Otters @ Misfits, Nagoya May 16th, 2008

>Magical Otters @ Misfits, Nagoya May 16th, 2008

> On Friday Brian Cullen and the Magical Otters got back together again to provide their usual brand of drunken inspirational shouting and yelling and banging things. Ah – sorry. No, that’s what I do. The other, rather more accomplished musicians, struggle bravely on whilst I let out months of pent out aggression and drink copious amounts of beer. Although in my advancing years the amounts are slowly declining. As always we prepare meticulously by turning up an hour beforehand…

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>For richer, for poorer

>For richer, for poorer

>Currently being assembled, should be with me by the end of next week: 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo MacBook Pro 15-inch Glossy WS 4GB 667 DDR2 SDRAM – 2x2GB 250GB Serial ATA @ 5400 rpm SuperDrive 8x DL No iWork Preinstalled No Final Cut Exp Preinstalled No Aperture Preinstalled No Logic Exp Preinstalled US KYBD/User’s Guide -JA Country Kit-JPN

>Linux / VMWare / Vista / Useful ?

>Linux / VMWare / Vista / Useful ?

>OK, I’ve got two laptops. The one I’m typing on which has no hard disk and is currently just booted from an Ubuntu Hardy Heron CD Rom and a Vaio VGN-FE41Z. Now I tried sticking Hardy onto it the other day using wabi and it works. But it ain’t slick. And there’s a list of things as long as your arm which don’t work properly. And even if I do get it booted into Linux I’m going to lose iTunes…

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